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Sermons (31)
实现新出埃及的救主【马可福音 6:30-56】 |
Mark 6:30-56 (Part of the 马可福音 Mark's Gospel series). |
Preached by ZH on 08/29/2021 (Sunday Afternoon). |
悔改【马可福音 6:1-30】 |
Mark 6:1-30 (Part of the 马可福音 Mark's Gospel series). |
Preached by W on 08/22/2021 (Sunday Afternoon). |
信靠战胜罪和死亡的救主【马可福音 5:21-43】 |
Mark 5:21-43 (Part of the 马可福音 Mark's Gospel series). |
Preached by Wang Zhe on 08/15/2021 (Sunday Afternoon). |
传讲战胜撒但的救主【马可福音 5:1-20】 |
Mark 5:1-20 (Part of the 马可福音 Mark's Gospel series). |
Preached by Tom C on 08/08/2021 (Sunday Afternoon). |
信靠掌管天地的救主【马可福音 4:35-41】 |
Mark 4:35-41 (Part of the 马可福音 Mark's Gospel series). |
Preached by Tom C on 08/01/2021 (Sunday Afternoon). |
我的神,我的神,你为什么离弃我【马可福音15:34】 |
Mark 15:34 (Part of the 马可福音 Mark's Gospel series). |
Preached by Tom C on 04/14/2019 (Sunday Afternoon). |
为什么我可以孤注一掷? |
Mark 15:40-16:8 (Part of the 马可福音 Mark's Gospel series). |
Preached by H on 04/09/2017 (Sunday Afternoon). |
你要跟随什么样的人? |
Mark 15:1-39 (Part of the 马可福音 Mark's Gospel series). |
Preached by J on 04/02/2017 (Sunday Afternoon). |
你是否能忠诚到底?Mk14:26-72 |
Mark 14:26-72 (Part of the 马可福音 Mark's Gospel series). |
Preached by H on 03/26/2017 (Sunday Afternoon). |
珍惜耶稣代替人的死亡 |
Mark 14:1-26 (Part of the 马可福音 Mark's Gospel series). |
Preached by H on 03/19/2017 (Sunday Afternoon). |
基督随时都可能再来 |
Mark 13:1-37 (Part of the 马可福音 Mark's Gospel series). |
Preached by J on 03/12/2017 (Sunday Afternoon). |
罪名成立? |
Mark 11:27-12:44 (Part of the 马可福音 Mark's Gospel series). |
Preached by Tom on 03/05/2017 (Sunday Afternoon). |
来拯救的君王? |
Mark 11:1-25 (Part of the 马可福音 Mark's Gospel series). |
Preached by Tom on 02/26/2017 (Sunday Afternoon). |
真正的伟大? |
Mark 10:32-52 (Part of the 马可福音 Mark's Gospel series). |
Preached by H on 02/19/2017 (Sunday Afternoon). |
为什么否认自己是不可能的? |
Mark 9:30-10:31 (Part of the 马可福音 Mark's Gospel series). |
Preached by H on 02/05/2017 (Sunday Afternoon). |
难道现在失去生命白费吗? |
Mark 9:1-29 (Part of the 马可福音 Mark's Gospel series). |
Preached by H on 01/22/2017 (Sunday Afternoon). |
你什么时候失去生命? |
Mark 8:31-38 (Part of the 马可福音 Mark's Gospel series). |
Preached by H on 01/15/2017 (Sunday Afternoon). |
你还不明白吗? |
Mark 8:11-30 (Part of the 马可福音 Mark's Gospel series). |
Preached by H on 12/04/2016 (Sunday Afternoon). |
你有权利进入神的国吗? |
Mark 7:24-8:10 (Part of the 马可福音 Mark's Gospel series). |
Preached by H on 11/13/2016 (Sunday Afternoon). |
你需要医生吗? |
Mark 6:53-7:23 (Part of the 马可福音 Mark's Gospel series). |
Preached by Tom on 11/06/2016 (Sunday Afternoon). |
神的救赎来了 |
Mark 6:31-52 (Part of the 马可福音 Mark's Gospel series). |
Preached by Tom on 10/30/2016 (Sunday Afternoon). |
提防!小心不悔改的心 |
Mark 6:6-30 (Part of the 马可福音 Mark's Gospel series). |
Preached by H on 10/23/2016 (Sunday Afternoon). |
君王耶稣确实有大能大力可以使人得救 |
Mark 4:35-6:6 (Part of the 马可福音 Mark's Gospel series). |
Preached by H on 10/16/2016 (Sunday Afternoon). |
为什么要留心听? |
Mark 4:1-34 (Part of the 马可福音 Mark's Gospel series). |
Preached by Tom on 10/09/2016 (Sunday Afternoon). |
谁只能被排除在外? |
Mark 2:1-3:35 (Part of the 马可福音 Mark's Gospel series). |
Preached by H on 10/02/2016 (Sunday Afternoon). |
为什么耶稣不是来改善我们的生活? |
Mark 1:16-2:17 (Part of the 马可福音 Mark's Gospel series). |
Preached by H on 09/25/2016 (Sunday Afternoon). |
为什么我值得探讨基督教? |
Mark 1:1-15 (Part of the 马可福音 Mark's Gospel series). |
Preached by H on 09/18/2016 (Sunday Afternoon). |
以福音为中心 |
Mark 1:1-15 (Part of the 马可福音 Mark's Gospel series). |
Preached by H on 08/28/2016 (Sunday Afternoon). |
马可福音Mark15_40-16_8 |
Mark 15:40-16:8 (Part of the 马可福音 Mark's Gospel series). |
Preached by Sam on 04/27/2014 (Sunday Afternoon). |
马可福音Mk15_1-39 |
Mark 15:1-39 (Part of the 马可福音 Mark's Gospel series). |
Preached by Sam on 04/21/2014 (Sunday Afternoon). |
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