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Sermons (26)
有恩典有怜悯的神【约拿书 4:1-11】 |
Jonah 4:1-11 (Part of the Jonah 约拿 series). |
Preached by Tom C on 07/16/2023 (Sunday Afternoon). |
世界的光【约翰福音8:12-30】 |
John 8:12-30 (Part of the '新出埃及’的救恩 series). |
Preached by Tom C on 02/19/2023 (Sunday Afternoon). |
活水的源头【约翰福音7:37-52】 |
John 7:37-52 (Part of the '新出埃及’的救恩 series). |
Preached by Tom C on 02/12/2023 (Sunday Afternoon). |
天国的奥秘(三):宝贝的比喻【马太福音13:44-52】 |
Matthew 13:44-52 (Part of the Matthew 13 天国的奥秘 series). |
Preached by Tom C on 12/11/2022 (Sunday Afternoon). |
天国的奥秘 (二):稗子的比喻【马太福音13:24-43】 |
Matthew 13:24-43 (Part of the Matthew 13 天国的奥秘 series). |
Preached by Tom C on 12/04/2022 (Sunday Afternoon). |
天国的奥秘 (一):撒种的比喻【马太福音13:1-23】 |
Matthew 13:1-23 (Part of the Matthew 13 天国的奥秘 series). |
Preached by Tom C on 11/20/2022 (Sunday Afternoon). |
坚持所宣认的盼望【希伯来书 10:19-25】 |
Hebrews 10:19-25 (Part of the Hebrews 跑完赛程 series). |
Preached by Tom C on 05/08/2022 (Sunday Afternoon). |
定睛坐在神右边的基督【希伯来书 10:11-18】 |
Hebrews 10:11-18 (Part of the Hebrews 跑完赛程 series). |
Preached by Tom C on 05/01/2022 (Sunday Afternoon). |
效法仆人君王的样式【路加福音 22:24-30】 |
Luke 22:24-30 (Part of the Luke 救赎确已成就 series). |
Preached by Tom C on 03/06/2022 (Sunday Afternoon). |
确信耶稣的死成就神的国【路加福音 22:1-23】 |
Luke 22:1-23 (Part of the Luke 救赎确已成就 series). |
Preached by Tom C on 02/27/2022 (Sunday Afternoon). |
圣诞信息:让耶稣做你生命的光【约翰福音 12:46】 |
John 12:46 (Part of the Guest event: 圣诞节 series). |
Preached by Tom C on 12/19/2021 (Sunday Afternoon). |
天国子民的祷告【马太福音 6:9-15】 |
Matthew 6:9-15 (Part of the Matthew 4-7 在地如同在天 series). |
Preached by Tom C on 10/31/2021 (Sunday Afternoon). |
定睛于天父 【马太福音 6:1-18】 |
Matthew 6:1-18 (Part of the Matthew 4-7 在地如同在天 series). |
Preached by Tom C on 10/24/2021 (Sunday Afternoon). |
传讲战胜撒但的救主【马可福音 5:1-20】 |
Mark 5:1-20 (Part of the 马可福音 Mark's Gospel series). |
Preached by Tom C on 08/08/2021 (Sunday Afternoon). |
信靠掌管天地的救主【马可福音 4:35-41】 |
Mark 4:35-41 (Part of the 马可福音 Mark's Gospel series). |
Preached by Tom C on 08/01/2021 (Sunday Afternoon). |
我离开是对你们有益的【约翰福音 15:26-16:15】 |
John 15:26-16:15 (Part of the John 约翰福音 series). |
Preached by Tom C on 04/11/2021 (Sunday Afternoon). |
神一如既往的福音【罗马书 3:27-4:25】 |
Romans 3:27-4:25 (Part of the Romans 罗马书 series). |
Preached by Tom C on 02/21/2021 (Sunday Afternoon). |
确信耶稣的荣耀【以赛亚书 12:1-6】 |
Isaiah 12:1-6 (Part of the Isaiah 以赛亚书 series). |
Preached by Tom C on 12/13/2020 (Sunday Afternoon). |
你要听从谁?【约翰福音18:28-19:16】 |
John 18:28-19:16 (Part of the John 约翰福音 series). |
Preached by Tom C on 08/16/2020 (Sunday Afternoon). |
在同辈压力下,能活出圣洁吗?【彼得前书1:13-2:3】 |
1 Peter 1:13-2:3 (Part of the 1 Peter 彼得前书 series). |
Preached by Tom C on 04/19/2020 (Sunday Afternoon). |
在试炼中能喜乐吗?【彼得前书1:1-12】 |
1 Peter 1:1-12 (Part of the 1 Peter 彼得前书 series). |
Preached by Tom C on 12/08/2019 (Sunday Afternoon). |
福音鼓动人犯罪吗?【罗马书6章】 |
Romans 6:1-23 (Part of the Romans 罗马书 series). |
Preached by Tom C on 07/28/2019 (Sunday Afternoon). |
我的神,我的神,你为什么离弃我【马可福音15:34】 |
Mark 15:34 (Part of the 马可福音 Mark's Gospel series). |
Preached by Tom C on 04/14/2019 (Sunday Afternoon). |
无与伦比的耶稣基督【歌罗西是1:15-23】 |
Colossians 1:15-23 (Part of the Colossians 歌罗西书 series). |
Preached by Tom C on 12/09/2018 (Sunday Afternoon). |
耶稣的死对耶稣的门徒至关重要【约翰福音 13:1-35】 |
John 13:1-35 (Part of the John 约翰福音 series). |
Preached by Tom C on 07/15/2018 (Sunday Afternoon). |
神对人类的终审判决 【罗马书3章1-20节】 |
Romans 3:1-20 (Part of the Romans 罗马书 series). |
Preached by Tom C on 08/06/2017 (Sunday Afternoon). |
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