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终极智慧――人生二路(2) “看破世事”【诗篇 2:1-12】
Psalm 2:1-12 (Part of the Psalms 诗篇 series).
Preached by Tom on 11/22/2020 (Sunday Afternoon).
幸福真谛【诗篇 1:1-6】
Psalm 1:1-6 (Part of the Psalms 诗篇 series).
Preached by Tom on 11/15/2020 (Sunday Afternoon).
骄傲使人跌倒【路加福音 18:9-14】
Luke 18:9-14 (Part of the 路加福音 series).
Preached by Tom on 09/27/2020 (Sunday Afternoon).
祷告勿灰心,主必来伸冤【路加福音 18:1-8】
Luke 18:1-8 (Part of the 路加福音 series).
Preached by Tom on 09/20/2020 (Sunday Afternoon).
我们所传的谁信呢?【以赛亚书 52:13-53:12】
Isaiah 52:13-53:12 (Part of the Isaiah 以赛亚书 series).
Preached by Tom on 07/12/2020 (Sunday Afternoon).
醒来吧,要走了【以赛亚书 51:9-52:12 】
Isaiah 51:9-52:12 (Part of the Isaiah 以赛亚书 series).
Preached by Tom on 07/05/2020 (Sunday Afternoon).
Isaiah 50:4-51:8 (Part of the Isaiah 以赛亚书 series).
Preached by Tom on 06/28/2020 (Sunday Afternoon).
2 Peter 3:1-18 (Part of the 彼得后书2 Peter series).
Preached by Tom on 04/12/2020 (Sunday Afternoon).
2 Peter 2:1-22 (Part of the 彼得后书2 Peter series).
Preached by Tom on 04/05/2020 (Sunday Afternoon).
2 Peter 1:12-21 (Part of the 彼得后书2 Peter series).
Preached by Tom on 03/29/2020 (Sunday Afternoon).
2 Peter 1:1-15 (Part of the 彼得后书2 Peter series).
Preached by Tom on 03/22/2020 (Sunday Afternoon).
第三讲 - 爱神的话语
(Part of the 通过神的话语认识神 series).
Preached by Tom on 12/01/2019 (Weekend Away).
第二讲 - 按神权威完备的话来认识他
(Part of the 通过神的话语认识神 series).
Preached by Tom on 11/30/2019 (Weekend Away).
第一讲 - 神通过圣经向我们说话
(Part of the 通过神的话语认识神 series).
Preached by Tom on 11/30/2019 (Weekend Away).
介绍 - 如何认识神?为什么这个问题很重要?
(Part of the 通过神的话语认识神 series).
Adobe Acrobat
Preached by Tom on 11/29/2019 (Weekend Away).
Romans 5:1-8:38 (Part of the Romans 罗马书 series).
Preached by Tom on 09/08/2019 (Sunday Afternoon).
Romans 8:31-39 (Part of the Romans 罗马书 series).
Preached by Tom on 08/25/2019 (Sunday Afternoon).
"双城记” 【以赛亚书24章-27章】
Isaiah 24:1-27:13 (Part of the Isaiah 以赛亚书 series).
Preached by Tom on 06/23/2019 (Sunday Afternoon).
Isaiah 9:8-12:6 (Part of the Isaiah 以赛亚书 series).
Preached by Tom on 06/02/2019 (Sunday Afternoon).
Isaiah 7:1-9:7 (Part of the Isaiah 以赛亚书 series).
Preached by Tom on 05/26/2019 (Sunday Afternoon).
John 19:28 (Part of the John 约翰福音 series).
Preached by Tom on 04/07/2019 (Sunday Afternoon).
Luke 12:13-21 (Part of the 路加福音 series).
Preached by Tom on 02/10/2019 (Sunday Afternoon).
1 Thessalonians 2:17-3:10 (Part of the 1 Thessalonians 帖撒罗尼迦前书 series).
Preached by Tom on 01/20/2019 (Sunday Afternoon).
Luke 12:49-53 (Part of the 路加福音 series).
Preached by Tom on 11/18/2018 (Sunday Afternoon).
Luke 11:37-12:12 (Part of the 路加福音 series).
Preached by Tom on 10/28/2018 (Sunday Afternoon).
Luke 10:25-37 (Part of the 路加福音 series).
Preached by Tom on 09/23/2018 (Sunday Afternoon).
John 13:36-14:31 (Part of the John 约翰福音 series).
Preached by Tom on 07/22/2018 (Sunday Afternoon).
Exodus 23:20-24:18 (Part of the 出埃及记 series).
Preached by Tom on 06/10/2018 (Sunday Afternoon).
Exodus 13:17-15:21 (Part of the 出埃及记 series).
Preached by Tom on 05/13/2018 (Sunday Afternoon).
Exodus 11:1-13:16 (Part of the 出埃及记 series).
Preached by Tom on 05/06/2018 (Sunday Afternoon).
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