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Sermons (10)
神诚挚的邀请【以赛亚书 55:1-13】 |
Isaiah 55:1-13 (Part of the Isaiah 以赛亚书 series). |
Preached by ZH on 12/29/2024 (Sunday Afternoon). |
像小孩子一样接受耶稣的救恩【马可福音 10:1-31】 |
Mark 10:1-31 (Part of the Mark 跟随奴仆君王耶稣基督 series). |
Preached by ZH on 08/25/2024 (Sunday Afternoon). |
谦卑舍己地彼此服事【马可福音 9:30-50】 |
Mark 9:30-50 (Part of the Mark 跟随奴仆君王耶稣基督 series). |
Preached by ZH on 08/18/2024 (Sunday Afternoon). |
天上的公民如何靠主站立得稳【腓立比书 4:2-9】 |
Philippians 4:2-9 (Part of the Philippians 基督的心志 series). |
Preached by ZH on 03/17/2024 (Sunday Afternoon). |
基督里的新人【歌罗西书 3:1-17】 |
Colossians 3:1-17 (Part of the Colossians 歌罗西书 series). |
Preached by ZH on 08/13/2023 (Sunday Afternoon). |
真正的敬拜【罗马书12:1-8】 |
Romans 12:1-8 (Part of the Romans 罗马书 series). |
Preached by ZH on 08/07/2022 (Sunday Afternoon). |
与基督同死同复活的新人【歌罗西书 2:20-3:4】 |
Colossians 2:20-3:4 (Part of the Colossians 歌罗西书 series). |
Preached by ZH on 04/24/2022 (Sunday Afternoon). |
实现新出埃及的救主【马可福音 6:30-56】 |
Mark 6:30-56 (Part of the 马可福音 Mark's Gospel series). |
Preached by ZH on 08/29/2021 (Sunday Afternoon). |
成了【约翰福音19:25-42】 |
John 19:25-42 (Part of the John 约翰福音 series). |
Preached by ZH on 08/30/2020 (Sunday Afternoon). |
属圣灵的新人【罗马书8:1-17】 |
Romans 12:1-17 (Part of the Romans 罗马书 series). |
Preached by ZH on 08/11/2019 (Sunday Afternoon). |
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