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Sermons (6)
圣诞信息:舍命服侍的奴仆君王【马可福音 10:32-45】 |
Mark 10:32-45 (Part of the Guest event: 圣诞节 series). |
Preached by Tom on 12/17/2023 (Sunday Afternoon). |
罪名成立? |
Mark 11:27-12:44 (Part of the 马可福音 Mark's Gospel series). |
Preached by Tom on 03/05/2017 (Sunday Afternoon). |
来拯救的君王? |
Mark 11:1-25 (Part of the 马可福音 Mark's Gospel series). |
Preached by Tom on 02/26/2017 (Sunday Afternoon). |
你需要医生吗? |
Mark 6:53-7:23 (Part of the 马可福音 Mark's Gospel series). |
Preached by Tom on 11/06/2016 (Sunday Afternoon). |
神的救赎来了 |
Mark 6:31-52 (Part of the 马可福音 Mark's Gospel series). |
Preached by Tom on 10/30/2016 (Sunday Afternoon). |
为什么要留心听? |
Mark 4:1-34 (Part of the 马可福音 Mark's Gospel series). |
Preached by Tom on 10/09/2016 (Sunday Afternoon). |
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