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Sermons (3)
认识耶和华-与他子民亲密立约的神【出埃及记23:20-24】 |
Exodus 23:20-24:18 (Part of the Exodus 出埃及记 series). |
Preached by Tom on 06/10/2018 (Sunday Afternoon). |
认识耶和华-打败仇敌的战士【出埃及记13:17-15:21】 |
Exodus 13:17-15:21 (Part of the Exodus 出埃及记 series). |
Preached by Tom on 05/13/2018 (Sunday Afternoon). |
认识耶和华-用代赎拯救的神【出埃及记11-13:16】 |
Exodus 11:1-13:16 (Part of the Exodus 出埃及记 series). |
Preached by Tom on 05/06/2018 (Sunday Afternoon). |
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