讲道 手机app下载: http://bit.ly/google-gospelhome (Google Play) http://bit.ly/apple-gospelhome (Apple Store) Preacher [All] H (336) J (103) Tom (93) D (76) Joe (41) Tom C (26) F (21) Boon Yong (20) W (19) HT (16) Alf (11) ZH (10) Sam (9) R (7) Chase (6) Chih-Cheng (5) JB (5) M (4) Abraham (3) Wei Hsiung (3) Nathan (2) Tim F (2) Enoch (2) Wang Zhe (1) Brain (1) DZ (1) Ben (1) Sichao (1) YN (1) Gwilym (1) Richard Simpkin (1) Dav (1) F&N (1) Y (1) Services [All] Sunday Afternoon (751) Weekend Away (58) International Growth Groups (18) Special event (4) Book [All] Genesis (22) Exodus (13) Numbers (2) Judges (13) Ruth (4) 1 Samuel (9) 2 Samuel (10) 2 Kings (6) Esther (4) Job (4) Psalm (41) Ecclesiastes (5) Isaiah (51) Daniel (20) Hosea (5) Joel (1) Amos (2) Obadiah (1) Jonah (7) Micah (1) Nahum (1) Habakkuk (1) Zephaniah (1) Haggai (7) Zechariah (1) Malachi (5) Matthew (50) Mark (38) Luke (87) John (74) Acts (42) Romans (21) 1 Corinthians (44) 2 Corinthians (2) Galatians (8) Ephesians (13) Philippians (22) Colossians (18) 1 Thessalonians (16) 1 Timothy (10) 2 Timothy (4) Titus (5) Hebrews (17) James (11) 1 Peter (27) 2 Peter (8) 1 John (18) 2 John (2) 3 John (2) Jude (1) Revelation (16) Series [All] 门徒360 (1) Ephesians 属灵战火纷飞 (1) 主题:精明投资 (4) Weekend away 2024 神的故事,你的故事 (6) Mark 跟随奴仆君王耶稣基督 (5) Hebrews 信心的“马拉松 (2) 2&3 John; Jude 真假教师 (3) Psalms 23 与好牧人同行 (3) 主题:如果你可以问神一个问题 (2) 主题:与老我争战 (2) Hosea 神对他子民的信实挚爱 (4) Ephesians 耶稣的复活 (2) Philippians 基督的心志 (11) 1 Peter 确信神的救恩 (2) Weekend away 2023 怎样真正认识神 (1) Daniel 大国兴衰的奥秘 (10) 主题:教会要不要管 (3) '新出埃及’的救恩 (9) Psalms 90-92 安居在耶和华的荫蔽下 (3) Weekend away 2022 教会—神的新人类 (6) Matthew 13 天国的奥秘 (3) Acts 神的王登基了! 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https://www.gospelhome.org.uk/sermon/?show&file_name=SC24-011.mp3 Preached by ZH on 03/17/2024 (Sunday Afternoon). 竭力追求天上奖赏,从而站稳【腓立比书 3:12-21】 Philippians 3:12-21 (Part of the Philippians 基督的心志 series). https://www.gospelhome.org.uk/sermon/?show&file_name=SC24-010.mp3 Preached by J on 03/10/2024 (Sunday Afternoon). 以认识基督为至宝【腓立比书 3:1-11】 Philippians 3:1-11 (Part of the Philippians 基督的心志 series). https://www.gospelhome.org.uk/sermon/?show&file_name=SC24-009.mp3 Preached by J on 03/03/2024 (Sunday Afternoon). 为福音而活,为福音而死【腓立比书 2:19-30】 Philippians 2:19-30 (Part of the Philippians 基督的心志 series). https://www.gospelhome.org.uk/sermon/?show&file_name=SC24-007.mp3 Preached by J on 02/18/2024 (Sunday Afternoon). 在不信的世代中发光【腓立比书 2:12-18】 Philippians 2:12-18 (Part of the Philippians 基督的心志 series). https://www.gospelhome.org.uk/sermon/?show&file_name=SC24-005.mp3 Preached by Chih-Cheng on 02/04/2024 (Sunday Afternoon). 以基督的心为心【腓立比书 2:5-11】 Philippians 2:5-11 (Part of the Philippians 基督的心志 series). https://www.gospelhome.org.uk/sermon/?show&file_name=SC24-004.mp3 Preached by Tom on 01/28/2024 (Sunday Afternoon). 完美”的教会【腓立比书 2:1-4】 Philippians 2:1-4 (Part of the Philippians 基督的心志 series). https://www.gospelhome.org.uk/sermon/?show&file_name=SC24-003.mp3 Preached by Tom on 01/21/2024 (Sunday Afternoon). 有保罗的心志【腓立比书 1:27-30】 Philippians 1:27-30 (Part of the Philippians 基督的心志 series). https://www.gospelhome.org.uk/sermon/?show&file_name=SC24-002.mp3 Preached by H on 01/14/2024 (Sunday Afternoon). 尊基督为大【腓立比书 1:12-26】 Philippians 1:12-26 (Part of the Philippians 基督的心志 series). https://www.gospelhome.org.uk/sermon/?show&file_name=SC24-001.mp3 Preached by H on 01/07/2024 (Sunday Afternoon). 在爱中成长【腓立比书 1:1-11】 Philippians 1:1-11 (Part of the Philippians 基督的心志 series). https://www.gospelhome.org.uk/sermon/?show&file_name=SC23-053.mp3 Preached by H on 12/31/2023 (Sunday Afternoon). 成熟的基督徒【腓立比书3:12-16】 Philippians 3:12-16 (Part of the Philippians 腓立比书 series). https://www.gospelhome.org.uk/sermon/?show&file_name=9_Feb_2020.mp3 Preached by Chase on 02/09/2020 (Sunday Afternoon). 福音的伙伴Gospel Partnership Philippians 4:10-23 (Part of the Philippians 腓立比书 series). https://www.gospelhome.org.uk/sermon/?show&file_name=Philip4b.mp3 Preached by H on 03/23/2014 (Sunday Afternoon). 站立得稳Stand firm Philippians 4:1-9 (Part of the Philippians 腓立比书 series). https://www.gospelhome.org.uk/sermon/?show&file_name=Philip4a.mp3 Preached by H on 03/16/2014 (Sunday Afternoon). 靠主喜乐Rejoice in the Lord2 Philippians 3:12-4:1 (Part of the Philippians 腓立比书 series). https://www.gospelhome.org.uk/sermon/?show&file_name=Philip3b.mp3 Preached by H on 03/09/2014 (Sunday Afternoon). 靠主喜乐Rejoice in the Lord1 Philippians 3:1-11 (Part of the Philippians 腓立比书 series). https://www.gospelhome.org.uk/sermon/?show&file_name=Philipp3a.mp3 Preached by Joe on 03/02/2014 (Sunday Afternoon). 基督的心志Mind of Christ3 Philippians 2:12-30 (Part of the Philippians 腓立比书 series). https://www.gospelhome.org.uk/sermon/?show&file_name=Philip2c.mp3 Preached by Joe on 02/23/2014 (Sunday Afternoon). 基督的心志Mind of Christ2 Philippians 2:5-11 (Part of the Philippians 腓立比书 series). https://www.gospelhome.org.uk/sermon/?show&file_name=Philip2b.mp3 Preached by Joe on 02/09/2014 (Sunday Afternoon). 基督的心志Mind of Christ1 Philippians 1:27-2:4 (Part of the Philippians 腓立比书 series). https://www.gospelhome.org.uk/sermon/?show&file_name=Philip2a.mp3 Preached by Joe on 01/26/2014 (Sunday Afternoon). 最大盼望:兴旺福音Gospel Advance3 Philippians 1:19-26 (Part of the Philippians 腓立比书 series). https://www.gospelhome.org.uk/sermon/?show&file_name=Philip1c.mp3 Preached by H on 01/19/2014 (Sunday Afternoon). 最大喜乐:兴旺福音Gospel Advance2 Philippians 1:12-18 (Part of the Philippians 腓立比书 series). https://www.gospelhome.org.uk/sermon/?show&file_name=Philip1b.mp3 Preached by H on 01/12/2014 (Sunday Afternoon). 最大愿望:兴旺福音Gospel Advance1 Philippians 1:1-11 (Part of the Philippians 腓立比书 series). https://www.gospelhome.org.uk/sermon/?show&file_name=Philippians1a.mp3 Preached by H on 01/05/2014 (Sunday Afternoon). 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