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Job 1:1-2:10 (Part of the Job 经受苦难的智慧 series).
Preached by J on 05/15/2022 (Sunday Afternoon).
耶稣被判定十字架【路加福音 22:63-23:25】
Luke 26:64-23:25 (Part of the Luke 救赎确已成就 series).
Preached by J on 03/20/2022 (Sunday Afternoon).
耶稣的死亡带来确定的救恩【路加福音 22:31-62】
Luke 22:31-62 (Part of the Luke 救赎确已成就 series).
Preached by J on 03/13/2022 (Sunday Afternoon).
耶稣受审【路加福音 20:19-44】
Luke 20:19-44 (Part of the Luke 救赎确已成就 series).
Preached by J on 01/23/2022 (Sunday Afternoon).
佃户的比喻【路加福音 20:1-18】
Luke 20:1-18 (Part of the Luke 救赎确已成就 series).
Preached by J on 01/16/2022 (Sunday Afternoon).
听道要行道【马太福音 7:24-29】
Matthew 7:24-29 (Part of the Matthew 4-7 在地如同在天 series).
Preached by J on 12/12/2021 (Sunday Afternoon).
你们要完美,正如你们的天父是完美的 【马太福音 5:33-48】
Matthew 5:33-48 (Part of the Matthew 4-7 在地如同在天 series).
Preached by J on 10/17/2021 (Sunday Afternoon).
要治死淫念,免得它治死你 【马太福音 5:27-32】
Matthew 5:27-32 (Part of the Matthew 4-7 在地如同在天 series).
Preached by J on 10/10/2021 (Sunday Afternoon).
神的拯救计划 (包括问答)【以赛亚书 66:1-24】
Isaiah 66:1-24 (Part of the Isaiah 等候耶和华的救恩 series).
Preached by J on 07/25/2021 (Sunday Afternoon).
等候耶和华的救恩【以赛亚书 65:1-66:6】
Isaiah 65:1-66:6 (Part of the Isaiah 等候耶和华的救恩 series).
Preached by J on 07/18/2021 (Sunday Afternoon).
神用自己的臂膀施行拯救【以赛亚书 58:1-59:21】
Isaiah 58:1-59:21 (Part of the Isaiah 等候耶和华的救恩 series).
Preached by J on 06/06/2021 (Sunday Afternoon).
给万国谦卑之人的救恩【以赛亚书 56:1-57:21】
Isaiah 56:1-57:21 (Part of the Isaiah 等候耶和华的救恩 series).
Preached by J on 05/30/2021 (Sunday Afternoon).
离婚:谁说了算?(包括问答)【马太福音 19:1-12】
Matthew 19:1-12 (Part of the 主题:婚姻 series).
Preached by J on 05/16/2021 (Sunday Afternoon).
Ephesians 5:22-33 (Part of the 主题:婚姻 series).
Preached by J on 05/02/2021 (Sunday Afternoon).
没有行为的信心是死的【雅各书 2:13-26】
James 2:13-26 (Part of the James 心怀二意 - 最致命的疾病 series).
Preached by J on 01/31/2021 (Sunday Afternoon).
不应该凭外貌待人【雅各书 2:1-13】
James 2:1-13 (Part of the James 心怀二意 - 最致命的疾病 series).
Preached by J on 01/24/2021 (Sunday Afternoon).
耶稣使瞎眼得看见【路加福音 18:31-34】
Luke 18:31-34 (Part of the Luke 路加福音 series).
Preached by J on 10/25/2020 (Sunday Afternoon).
耶稣的受苦和复活实现了神应许的拯救【路加福音 18:31-34】
Luke 18:31-34 (Part of the Luke 路加福音 series).
Preached by J on 10/18/2020 (Sunday Afternoon).
神已然而未然的国【路加福音 17:20-37】
Luke 17:20-37 (Part of the Luke 路加福音 series).
Preached by J on 09/13/2020 (Sunday Afternoon).
被多数人拒绝的福音是确实的【路加福音 17:11-21】
Luke 17:11-21 (Part of the Luke 路加福音 series).
Preached by J on 09/06/2020 (Sunday Afternoon).
当听耶和华, 那位‘从起初宣告末后事’的真神【以赛亚书44:24-48:22】
Isaiah 44:42-48:22 (Part of the Isaiah 等候耶和华的救恩 series).
Preached by J on 06/07/2020 (Sunday Afternoon).
Isaiah 40:12-31 (Part of the Isaiah 等候耶和华的救恩 series).
Preached by J on 05/10/2020 (Sunday Afternoon).
Isaiah 40:1-11 (Part of the Isaiah 等候耶和华的救恩 series).
Preached by J on 05/03/2020 (Sunday Afternoon).
Haggai 2:10-23 (Part of the Haggai 建造神的殿 series).
Preached by J on 01/19/2020 (Sunday Afternoon).
Haggai 2:1-9 (Part of the Haggai 建造神的殿 series).
Preached by J on 01/12/2020 (Sunday Afternoon).
Haggai 1:1-15 (Part of the Haggai 建造神的殿 series).
Preached by J on 01/05/2020 (Sunday Afternoon).
John 1:1-18 (Part of the John 约翰福音 series).
Preached by J on 12/15/2019 (Sunday Afternoon).
Luke 16:1-14 (Part of the Luke 路加福音 series).
Preached by J on 11/10/2019 (Sunday Afternoon).
Luke 15:25-32 (Part of the Luke 路加福音 series).
Preached by J on 11/03/2019 (Sunday Afternoon).
Luke 15:11-32 (Part of the Luke 路加福音 series).
Preached by J on 10/27/2019 (Sunday Afternoon).
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